My cat, Callie decided to go on an adventure this afternoon. Is it some innate conspiracy within a cat's mind that drives it to curiosity?
Or is it just with my cat. We had just come home from lessons that morning and everything was perfect. The perfect mess on the coffee table and the perfect mess of computer cords next to the window. My husband sat there moseying online and getting the latest update from our circle of friends on Twitter. Just a typical Saturday afternoon.
A few minutes later the sound of cupboards slamming and nudging of tile caught my attention. Callie. If it's not one thing, it's another. So I hurry to the kitchen and she's not there. Callie had jumped from the kitchen counter to the fridge and climbed into our ceiling. We live in a loft apartment connected to another loft apartment and there's an opening behind the ceiling tiles into our neighbor's kitchen. Chris assured me that she would be alright, that she would come out when she wanted. That was before both of us heard the ruckus next door. Apparently Callie had climbed through the open braces in between the apartments and fell through our neighbor's ceiling. She cried and cried and we couldn't get to her.
Now I love this cat. She's sort of been my baby ever since we adopted her last December. AND I COULDN"T DO ANYtHING. It's a horrible feeling to fear and wonder about the welfare of your loved ones. I know Callie's just a cat but she's our cat and that makes all the difference in the world. Our neighbor's not home, she hasn't been all afternoon. I'm grateful the dog is locked up and I pray to God she is alive and well. The dog didn't bark when Callie fell through the ceiling so I ask myself if she is even alive. The fear is an unfounded one, but honestly I don't know what I would do if she were. What if our neighbor washed dishes before she left and left knives in the sink, oh gosh, I hope she's okay. She's stopped crying, she doesn't even meow. I hope she's alright. If she is, I hope she has sense enough not to use the bathroom without a litter box or break anything or make a mess and when we get her back she's going to get the biggest lesson ever or maybe just lots of loving. I miss her. The house is so empty without her. We've been waiting for hours for our neighbor to return home. She couldn't have gone far her dog is still there and he needs to get out too. I find myself jumping to look out the window every time a car drives by. So far I've cut out construction paper shapes for preschool at church tomorrow and watched CSI and sat in silence. Chris assures me that she's okay but how does he know? I think I heard her meow a little while ago.
After waiting 4 hours or so our neighbor shows up and we meet her at the door with our wild tale. Imagine coming home to that! After much searching we find her cowering in my neighbor's box spring mattress. All's well that ends well. Of course being a cat she's perfectly fine. It's kind of nice though. She's been really attached to us ever since that happened!
1 comment:
I love the ending.
for everyone wondering what happenned next, we smothered her in hugs saying "bad kittie" and "dont do that again" but all she knows is she got hugs out of the deal. tonight we block up any way to get into the ceiling!
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